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Preventive health care

Preventive health care

HIV Facts and Myths

Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung

This brochure provides information about the transmission of HIV infection and offers suggestions on protection from AIDS.

AIDS and HIV - Current Knowledge, Protection and Treatment

Ethno-medizinisches Zentrum e.V.

This guide provides information on HIV and AIDS, prevention measures and therapy options as well as other topics including safer sex/drug use, contraception and pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections (STI), tuberculosis and viral hepatitis.

tip doc HIV


The tip doc documentation aids support the communication between medical professionals and patients. Here you find information about HIV infection, symptoms, treatment and background.

Be safe – condoms + mishaps

Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung

This flyer provides information on potential mistakes when using a condom.

Be safe – the pill + mishaps

Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung

This flyer provides information on potential mistakes when using the pill.

The ‘morning-after pill’

Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung

The leaflet explains how the ‘morning-after pill’ works, describes how to use and how and where to get it, and contains answers to the most frequently asked questions. In addition, the flyer provides an overview of the most common contraceptives and their pros and cons

Hygiene in Everyday Life

Refugium Flucht und Gesundheit

This flyer offers advice on how to pay better attention to hygiene in your daily life. It includes information on dental care, washing hands, hair and body care, kitchen hygiene and mould prevention.

Healthy Nutrition in Germany

Refugium Flucht und Gesundheit

This flyer provides suggestions for a healthy and balanced diet.

Oral health

Refugium Flucht und Gesundheit

This flyer explains why oral and dental health is so important and how to maintain it.

Early-stage bowel cancer

Ärztliches Zentrum für Qualität in der Medizin (ÄZQ)

Here you can find out what colon cancer is, which tests you will need to take after diagnosis and which treatment specialists recommend.

Antibiotics – what you should know

Ärztliches Zentrum für Qualität in der Medizin (ÄZQ)

This fact sheet explains how antibiotics work and what you should remember when you take them.

Resistance to Antibiotics

Ärztliches Zentrum für Qualität in der Medizin (ÄZQ)

Here you can find information on how resistance to antibiotics develops and what you can do to prevent it.

Safe medical treatment

Ärztliches Zentrum für Qualität in der Medizin (ÄZQ)

It is not always easy to take medicines as prescribed. This fact sheet tells you how to take medicinal products safely.


Ärztliches Zentrum für Qualität in der Medizin (ÄZQ)

This fact sheet explains why patients are given many different medicinal products and the risks involved when several medicines are taken at the same time.

Frequently asked questions about the Measles Protection Law

Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung

In Germany, the Measles Protection Law applies. Here you find an FAQ about this law.


Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung

Measles is caused by viruses and is highly contagious. In Germany, vaccinations have ensured that measles infections are now much less common. Here you find information about measles infection, symptoms and vaccination.