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The easy way to stay healthy: Tips for hygiene

Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung

Just remembering a few rules can reduce the risk of catching infectious diseases. This child-friendly flyer provides important hygiene tips for children.  

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Hygiene protects!

Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung

This poster shows the most important hygiene tips for protecting yourself and other from infectious diseases.

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Hygiene in Everyday Life

Refugium Flucht und Gesundheit

This flyer offers advice on how to pay better attention to hygiene in your daily life. It includes information on dental care, washing hands, hair and body care, kitchen hygiene and mould prevention.

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Oral health

Refugium Flucht und Gesundheit

This flyer explains why oral and dental health is so important and how to maintain it.